Ram Dass once said "The quieter you become, the more you can hear." Be still and listen. It is something that I took to heart and started doing after Charlie was born. Any decision or stressful thing in my life, I would just be still and listen. I've always come up with the answer. Sometimes my own will overpowers my mantra and I struggle and stress about the answer. Once I let it go, the answer always comes. I've done it a lot since Catherine died. In the beginning, the idea of cleaning out her room seemed unbearable. People suggested I turn her room into my own craft room. I was opposed to both ideas. As far as I was concerned, I was never cleaning out her room and I wasn't ever going to craft again. Over time, I did start to craft again. But I was still opposed to touching her room or even moving in there. It seemed like the worst idea and that I was a traitor of some sort. I didn't want to benefit in any way from her death. Until one day I just d...