The day Catherine died, it seemed as though a dark veil was put over me. Everything I've looked at since that day has been seen through this black veil of grief. Life has been hard. There are so many days that I bargained with myself and God to get through. There were more days than not that I very seriously contemplated joining Catherine. I had no purpose. It has been awful. I decided the day that she died, that Josh and I would do what we could to support the band program. Catherine would have wanted that. From that thought, and with the help of one of Catherine's favorite mentors, the idea for a foundation was created. A foundation created to change the world. A foundation that would be used to finish the job Catherine started. By God, if she wasn't going to change the world, I was going to do it for her. I was excited in those early days of discussing the idea of this foundation. But the black veil of grief was preventing me from moving forward. It was hard. I becam...